
Help those who need it most this Christmas.

Donate with Paypal

Donate online using PayPal by clicking the button below.

Donate by bank transfer

Barclays Bank
Account No: 50809977
Account name: Jersey Christmas Appeal
Sort code: 20-45-05

Donate by cheque

Please send cheques made out to Jersey Christmas Appeal to:
Annette Blanchet, Sandona, 5 Bel Royal Gardens, St Lawrence, Jersey, JE3 1JU.

Tax recovery

If you donate at least £50 and are a Jersey taxpayer, the Appeal can recover the tax on your donation at 25%. That means if you donate £100, we will get £125. Please download the form HERE and forward to Annette Blanchet, Sandona, 5 Bel Royal Gardens, St Lawrence, Jersey, JE3 1JU.

How your donation helps

When you donate, every penny goes to the Jersey Christmas Appeal.

  • £20 buys a young person's gift voucher
  • £25 buys a heating voucher
  • £35 buys a small food voucher
  • £40 buys a hamper
  • £45 buys a medium food voucher
  • £70 buys a large food voucher

We make sure that every pound - every penny - goes to the people who need it most this Christmas. When you donate, you know you're making a real difference. 

Pledge a Wedge

Win an amazing trip in our huge holiday giveaway.

Pledge a Wedge